Ma Hama Esti – A Cinematic Journey Into The Dualities Of Existence
Ma Hama Esti – A Cinematic Journey Into The Dualities Of Existence


Look at yourself in the mirror and recognise your double self, which flies like a butterfly from tree to tree, from country to country, without being destroyed.The 62-minute experimental film flows like a river from which further animations challenge us. The intense film music speaks to us as instead of the forms and figures depicted in the film.The content of the film concerns the current situation in the world with its social conflicts in connection with the natural disasters of our time.The film title “Ma hama esti” is formulated in the Zazaki language, in Zaza, the mother tongue of many other languages, a language that is under threat. Ma Hama esti means that we still exist.

~Studium der Bildenden Kunst, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Frankfurt/ M. Freischaffender Künstler: Malerei, Skulptur, Installation, NFT und Experimenteller Film translates to
Studied fine arts, University of Fine Arts, Frankfurt/M.
Freelance artist: painting, sculpture, installation, NFT
and experimental film
Studied fine arts, University of Fine Arts, Frankfurt/M.
Freelance artist: painting, sculpture, installation, NFT
and experimental film

~Es lebe das Leben!
Ich bin gebürtiger Zaza und wurde in der Türkei geboren. Ich lebe und arbeite in Deutschland translates to
Long live the life!
I am a native of Zaza and was born in Turkey.
I live and work in Germany.

- Erdogan Bulut Awards: Best Director, Best Experimental, Best Feature, Best Drama, Best Narrative Feature, Best Animated Film, Best Low Budged, Best Sounddesign, Best Music, Best Silent Film, Best Inspirational Film
- Erdogan Bulut Films: Playground 13-14, Letter to Goya, Ma hama esti- Us still exists
- Sonja Bieker filmproduktion
- Graditute, Near Nazareth:
- 'Cooperation and Strengthening Friedship and Understanding between nations!
'Zusammenarbeit und Stärkung
der Freundschaft und des Verständnisses
zwischen den Nationen!'

Visuelle Poesie
Die Bilder des Films sind sowohl ätherisch als auch geerdet. Wir erleben flüchtige Momente - einen Schmetterling, der auf einem Ast aussteigt, einen Regentropfen, der eine Fensterscheibe hinunterrutscht -, die jeweils eine tiefe Symbolik tragen. Der Spiegel wird zu einem Portal, das verborgene Identitätsebenen enthüllt. Als Zuschauer sind wir aufgefordert, uns unseren eigenen Überlegungen zu stellen und zu hinterfragen, was jenseits der Oberfläche liegt.
Klarheit der Erzählung
Während die experimentelle Natur des Films eine Stärke ist, könnte es Momente geben, in denen die Erzählung für einige Zuschauer zu abstrakt oder unzusammenhängend wird. Das Gleichgewicht zwischen künstlerischer Abstraktion und einer kohärenten Handlung könnte die Zugänglichkeit verbessern, ohne die Avantgarde-Anziehungskraft zu beeinträchtigen.
Der Fluss der Animation
Die Musik der Existenz
Globale Konflikte und Naturkatastrophen
Zazaki: Eine Sprache unter Bedrohung
Chalachitra International Film Awards
Elegant International Filmfestival, 2023
Within the experimental film genre, which aims to push limits and challenge viewpoints, “Ma Hama Esti” is a 62-minute journey that encourages reflection and contemplation.
Under the direction of visionary filmmakers who want to go beyond traditional narrative techniques, the film explores the complexities of human life, capturing the fleeting essence of life as it becomes entangled with the socio-natural fabric of our planet.
The fundamental message of “Ma Hama Esti” is to confront one’s dual identity. It asks viewers to look in the mirror and acknowledge the butterfly-like soul that flits from tree to tree and nation to nation, untouched by the winds of change. The film’s metaphorical investigation of this dual identity is evident throughout, appearing as a poetic river that runs smoothly and takes viewers through an enthralling visual world.
The film’s unique aspect is its effective use of animation as a narrative device. The animations encourage viewers to break free from conventional limitations and embrace a new visual language since they are skillfully woven into the cinematic fabric. As a result, the audience is drawn into an immersive experience where reality and imagination collide, allowing them to interact viscerally with the movie.
An intense and evocative cinematic music that goes beyond the necessity of traditional forms and figures complements the visual splendor. In a way that words and images alone cannot, the music takes on a life of its own and speaks to the listener in a meaningful way. It creates a moving tapestry that guides viewers through the nuanced details of the human experience while enhancing the film’s thematic depth.
An intense and evocative cinematic music that goes beyond the necessity of traditional forms and figures complements the visual splendor. In a way that words and images alone cannot, the music takes on a life of its own and speaks to the listener in a meaningful way. It creates a moving tapestry that guides viewers through the nuanced details of the human experience while enhancing the film’s thematic depth.
“Ma Hama Esti” derives its linguistic roots from Zazaki, a language that is endangered, as the title implies. This linguistic decision was not made at random; rather, it gives the movie a deeper cultural dimension and highlights how important it is to preserve languages that are in danger of extinction. Translated as “Ma Hama Esti,” the phrase conveys the profound idea that “we still exist.” As a result, the movie becomes a monument to the perseverance of languages and civilizations in the face of extinction, acting as a moving reminder of the diversity that adds richness to our world’s fabric.
Beyond its linguistic significance, the film’s content explores the social tensions that are deeply ingrained in our modern world and how they are linked to the natural calamities of our day. The directors deftly strike a balance between the macrocosm of world problems and the microcosm of each person’s existence. The end product is a story that not only reflects the zeitgeist but also invites viewers to consider how they personally influence the world in which they live.
As a mirror held up to society, “Ma Hama Esti” reveals the fragility and beauty of our shared life. It highlights the symbiotic link that frequently teeters on the verge of imbalance and encourages reflection on the interactions between human actions and the natural environment. The film is a universal investigation of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century because of its engaging narrative, which cuts beyond linguistic and cultural barriers.
Finally, “Ma Hama Esti” is proof of the ability of experimental film to provoke, inspire, and question. The video invites spectators to acknowledge their dual selves and reflect on the complex dance between the individual and the collective through its lyrical imagery, moving music, and thought-provoking material. “Ma Hama Esti” reminds us that even in the midst of turmoil, existence itself persists and calls us to acknowledge, value, and protect the complex fabric of life in a world beset by numerous difficulties.
Elegant International Filmfestival, 2024